The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46191   Message #686774
Posted By: Coyote Breath
10-Apr-02 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: worst performances live acts
Subject: RE: worst performances live acts
We had a member of the San Francisco Folk Music Club who loved to sing acapella. His voice was clear and he kept the key and he had an interesting repetoire. The problem was he felt it absolutely neccessary to sing in 'dialect' or what HE though the 'dialect' should be. When he sang an Irish song he did a bad imitation of Barry Fitzgerald no matter where the song was from in Ireland. He sang his idea of a Scot's accent, an English 'accent', you get the picture. His worst was "The Handsome Cabin Boy" during which his 'accent' shifted from one part of the Isles to another. Even his genuine ability as a singer couldn't save him. By the time he was "gathered round did commence to stare" most of us were rolling on the floor with laughing, he would then get this pleased with himself look on his face, certain that the humour of the song had us in stiches and we'd laugh all the harder. Now that I think about it maybe it wasn't such a BAD performence as a outlandish one.