The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46289   Message #686838
Posted By: GUEST,
10-Apr-02 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Harp help! 'Dafydd y Gareg Wen'
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Harp help! 'Dafydd y Gareg Wen'
While I've been sleeping the night through it would seem that I've been getting a little assistance world-wide ! So - thanks so very much, Sian, Ciarili, Bonnie, Masato and Helen. The information which you all contributed to has helped me no end. I have been to CD now and have ordered both the Robin Huw Bowen and the Voyageur CDs. I just hope they get to me in time for me to complete the project using the music. I am actually doing a project with a 'well known broadcasting company' and the result of all this may be shown on TV or be on theinternet. I'll post details here if all this happens. Thanks so much everyone. If ever I can help any of you just email me - I am pretty nifty with CorelDraw vector hgraphics or with image manipulation in a 'Paint' program, no problem. If you have a Welsh interest please visit one of my websites at: where you will find a whole load of images from old postacrds from North Wales. In the URL the 'W' and 'F' have to be capitals or the url won't work. best wishes from sunny North Wales, and thanks again folks. Frank