The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46325   Message #686959
Posted By: InOBU
10-Apr-02 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: J'Accuse! (US Indictment of Lynn Stuart)
Subject: RE: J'Accuse! (US Indictment of Lynn Stuart)
Well, a couple of historical reference explanations. "When they come for you..." a Catholic priest, whose name temporarily escapes me said, of being a Catholic in nazi Germany... when they came for the jews I said nothing, as I was not a jew... (He goes on in the same vien, they came for the Trade Unionists, Socialists, Comunits, Adventists, Gays, etc...) and when they came for me, there was noone to speak for me...
J'Accuse, ... who do I accuse? Well, one may remember this was the title of the Zola essay about Dreyfuss, the Jewish innocent scapegoated in France.
I accuse the executive branch of government of scapegoating the defense bar for doing their job, when our failed foreign and economic policies have brought us to the brink of world war.
Cheers Larry
PS thanks Áine