The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46194   Message #688053
Posted By: Bobert
11-Apr-02 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: another Dubya new word
Subject: RE: another Dubya new word
DougR: Junior's ratings, when they begin to fall, will make the 1929 stock market look like a baloon. And fall they will unless he gets some CIA folks to volunteer to be suicde bombers in a few of the local malls. He messed up his future by probably accidently killing his best buddy, bin Laden. Yeah, take away Sept. 11 and Junior would be lookin' at 20% ratings now rather than having to wait. Like daddy, like son. But it's always good to hear from you, Doug.

Stilly River Sage: Nope, Gore's biggest mistake was not offering the American voter any alternatives. He tended to agree with almost everything Junior said and vice versa. His second biggest mistake was not having the nasty streak the Rupublicans seem to be born with. He was beaten in court and on the street corners by the "paid" goons that Bush hired to harass poll workers and just about everyone else.

And who ever said "liberal congressmen", that's an oximoron. No such thing. There are right wing congressmen an not so right wing congressmen. I don't hear anyone standing up speaking to the concerns of the working man or suggesting that the dough the Enron execs should be taken back and divied up among the working folks who lost their retirements and are now going to probably die on a widget assembly line. Yeah, where are all these liberals? Teddy Kennedy? Hah!

Think Green......