The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46300   Message #688698
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Apr-02 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Bloc quebecois votes gainst motion to se
Subject: RE: Bloc quebecois votes gainst motion to se
The Governor General maintains a dignified demeanour, wears expensive clothing, gives speeches now and then, travels here and there, and meets various important people. That's about it.

It's a very cool job! Almost as much fun as being Don Cherry, but not nearly as exciting, of course. :-)

If we are subjects of the queen...then who are her objects? I also find her far preferable to Jean Chretien as supreme leader of Canada...

I agree with Leeder that the problem with Quebec is not its people, but its politicians! They are a greedy, opportunistic bunch of scoundrels intent on robbing the Quebecois AND the federal government at the same time, and playing both ends against the middle. So far they have done quite well at it. For this, they are despised in English Canada. This feeling unfortunately sometimes spills over into a general anti-French bias among the less intelligent members of the Anglo community (and that is to the advantage of the Quebec politicians, who thrive on such discord).

- LH