The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46427   Message #688842
Posted By: Rollo
12-Apr-02 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Deadly New Teen 'Game'
Subject: RE: BS: Deadly New Teen 'Game'
Don't believe those guys who tell you urban myths aren't true. Folkies should know better about oral tradition, and what a STRONG memory it has! Sure the original events are twisted while passed on, but there is a core at least! Our prof at archeology told an example about a grave hill. The locals knew a legend that in this hill a fairies' house had burned. When the exvacation was in progress they found that some 1500 years ago grave robbers had opened the hill and dropped their lamp. the wooden grave chamber had burnt out.
And for local myths: When a german professor wrote his bestseller book about urban myths he claimed a story about a doctor who threatened to come back on his funeral and dropped out of his coffin on the way to the ditch was not true. Yet it happened, and caused quite a hush, because he was a senior member of local society around here in the southern parts of hamburg/germany. I think I should be able to relocate his grave, where he finally rests in peace now (or so I hope at least).
So whatever some internet page might tell you I am sure something like this spunkball incident HAS indeed happened, although the actual technique might have been modified.