The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46442   Message #688940
Posted By: Mark Cohen
12-Apr-02 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can Trolls be Traced?
Subject: RE: BS: Can Trolls be Traced?
HC, that does make sense--the problem is, who's going to draw the line, and where? There have been much uglier things posted on the 'Cat. Most of us just try to accept the fact that there are people who enjoy making other people feel bad, no doubt because they feel bad themselves, and no amount of "policing" is likely to make them stop or go away.

If on the other hand someone posts a message which clearly represents a direct threat to someone's safety, or a direct personal attack, then generally that message is deleted and sometimes further action is taken. But as the owner of the website, Max has chosen to keep pretty much to a no-censorship policy, and most of the time it seems to work. Other sites do it differently.

Hope that provides some perspective. I'm sure this thread will generate lots of comments, including some nasty ones...but that's the way it goes. The best response generally is the one that's been taken by the participants in the "friendship" thread...namely, ignore the nasty comments.
