The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46470   Message #689304
Posted By: Amos
13-Apr-02 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD II: Making It Real
Subject: Mudcat CD II: Making It Real
 The candidates for the MUDCAT SAMPLER CD are streaming in, and boy do we have some talent in these ranks, I tell ya!!  This is going to be a Hoot of a CD to be on, to buy, own and listen to.

Here's the schedule,  in rough blocks:

Collection of Candidates  ---- up to end of May
Review and Prelim Selection --- May-June
Final Selection                           ------June
Initial Build-                              -------------July
Quality Enhancement/Normalization -------July - August
Final Build                                                    ------------ August
Organize Logistics for Distribution ----------June--- -----August
Final QA                                                                                ---August
Release                                                                            ---------------Early September

This means that if the Mudcat Sampler CD is to include your cuts, it has to be among  the collected candidates FOB my place by the end of May at the latest, and preferably by the end of April.

So get strummin'!

And for those of you who have written entries for inclusion in the Mudcat SONG BOOK, a separate collection of SONGS FROM THE MUDCAT SONGBOOK is being organized.  But I have enough songs in there to make a whole CD of just mine, which wouldn't be very interesting! So ya better help  me out and record some of those choons, you perfervid talents, you!!

If ya wanna send me stuff, PM me or email me at this address and I'll send you the address.  I prefer CDs, or MP3 files, but will manage with tapes if that's what you got!!& nbsp; Or mail me MP3s or point me to  a download site.

Warm regards,


Part One: Mudcat CD Maybe??

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