The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46463   Message #689537
Posted By: Celtic Soul
13-Apr-02 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Will anybody swap their CD with me?
Subject: RE: Will anybody swap their CD with me?
Robin2, yeah, 1st nights still a hoot! We love doing it. This was our 3rd year running, and we're not burned out yet. One of the things I *love* about that event is that I can take my daughter along with me and enjoy New Years with her. We'll be doing a promotional cruise for 1sr Night this July as well.

Greg, My post office is about a mile away. That's not the problem. The problem is I have no time. Literally. What little time I have is spent at home waiting for the last coat of primer to dry so I can paint another room.

Ah, the joys of homeownership! In any case, between rehearsals, working a full time job, homemade remodeling, and raising a kid, no, I don't get even around the corner that often.

And yes...the world must have been snagged by aliens. I know, because my little girl actually cleaned her room without being asked. Must be a pod person! ;D