The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10188   Message #68976
Posted By: Helen
07-Apr-99 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Colloquialisms- Post & Define 'Em! Fun!
Subject: RE: Colloquialisms- Post & Define 'Em! Fun!

One of my favourite expressions (I used to work in a bureaucracy for a long time) is WOFTAM, pronounced "woff'-tam". I believe it is an army term. It stands for waste of fucking time and money, and it is often applied to some new work programme which "everyone believes was working okay before, so why do we need a new programme?" or it is applied to people or equipment who don't work very well.

I'm sure the Oz-Cateers will come up with a huge selection of words for this thread. Oz-tralian language is built heavily on a foundation of picturesque language. I'll have to think about my favourites and get back to you.


Oh, just remembered one of my favourite old sayings: "as scarce as rocking horse shit". I think it explains itself, don't you?