The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494   Message #690080
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
14-Apr-02 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Totally right.

Songs are like stories, even when they aren't stories. I mean stories as in jokes. The test for a joke is that it's funny - and sometimes you'll hear someone tell a joke and it won't be funny, and you can try to work out where they went wrong, and maybe if it's a good jone tell it yourself and turn it around a bit so that you find it funny.

But you can hear two fellas tell the same joke in the same words, and with one of them it's funny and the other it's not.

Or you can sing the same song one time and it falls completely flat, and another time it works fine.

It's a mystery.