The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10187   Message #69021
Posted By: reggie miles
08-Apr-99 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: sorry about the offensive thread
Subject: RE: sorry about the offensive thread
Hey Margie, please don't feel badly, I received the same email but didn't post it to anyone for several reasons. First off I'm still too new at this computer stuff to know how to forward an email so I couldn't. Besides my own lack of tech ability, if refusing to purchase gasoline on a given day could get the attention of the big oil concerns and they lost some revenue they would simply raise the price to recover that which was lost. Then again it may not concern them at all if indeed there is so much in reserve. Either way the deck is stacked in their favor as long as we stay tied to this fuel source. Pete, what the author of the email may have implied by sending it about on the WWW could have some merit. May Day is coming up shortly. A day hundreds of thousands in other countries honor with massive gatherings and marches. For all our strenghts here in this country (US)it is rare that I've noticed that same unifying element at work here. If there is one thread that binds us it may be the use of petroleum products. So if the US, the largest oil glutton, could be united, even if behind this banner, and convinced to stand together to enact change it seems to me the action could be felt far beyond these borders and therefore could lead to global changes, not just here. Now I'm not preachin' one world government here. I'm just implying that the US has been awfully apathetic of late. Haven't you noticed? Our union on one issue could be the start that we need to foster continued unity on others. Unity is strength. That's my two Lincolns. Alright enough said, now if I could just figure out how to get off this box.
