The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10202   Message #69026
Posted By: alison
08-Apr-99 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat chat room reminder
Subject: Mudcat chat room reminder

Just to remind people that it is still there

Mudcat chat room

Check in on the hour and see wait for a few minutes.. someone else might appear......... I know things are a bit odd at the moment seeing as everyone's clocks have gone backwards or forwards so it may take a while to get back in sync with each other......... but let's keep trying......

The link above will take you to a page with your details on it... it can take a while to load... be patient... then click on the small "enter" button .. and it will take you to the actual chat......



PS I'll keep refreshing this every so often just to remind us...........