The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494 Message #690314
Posted By: GUEST,micca at work
15-Apr-02 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Jeri, on a practical level, I find sometimes that an idea for a song just comes along, and then if I immerse myself in the "subject matter" in a day, week , amonth , a year, I sit down and the song(or most of it) will "write itself" in, sometimes a very, shortish period of time. I carry notebooks EVERYWHERE, as it is amazing how many great ideas come when I am "on the hoof" or on the Underground, or the bus. I have one Rule, I follow diligently, ones I have the song down on paper, or computer, I set it aside for at least 24 hours and do not even LOOK at it, then if it is fresh and ok I may rewrite, or tinker, but stepping back, is, for me, very important. One of my songs" arrived" Chorus and tune, while on my way somewhere on teh London Underground, and(as I do not write music) when I arrived, I had to go in the bathroom and sing it onto a minidisc so as not to lose the tune!!! and as you have often done so for others, let your friends see your work, and you will learn quickly who you can trust to be honest..