The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494   Message #690458
Posted By: MMario
15-Apr-02 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Jeri - I can understand the frustration - I think you also know that some of us (speaking for myself at least)can give you a "nice song" or "I like it" or a 'yeuck!' as appropriate - but don't have the terminology or expertise to tell you WHY. However - if I ask you for permission to sing it you can be sure I like it!

For example - your New Year's Toast - which still sends shivers down my spine - and I have no idea WHY - but I know that it hit me, and many of the people I sang it to, in a deep and personal manner.

Regarding the song challenges - I think people feel more "free" with amusing subjects - but as others have said - not all the songs have ended up being fluff.