The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494   Message #690943
Posted By: Bert
15-Apr-02 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Hi Jeri me luv,

You asked for it. My favourite topic. So here goes no holds barred.

New Year's Toast. GREAT SONG, don't change a thing.

I am The Song. Here I'll go against one of my rules and make the song longer (Just don't make a habit of it) I would sing it using verse 3 as a chorus, Singing it, verses 3,1,2,3,4,5,3 It's another great song.

My Mother's Garden, Good song but way too long. cut it down to four verses.

Shine like a Diamond another good song that's too long. You don't really say anything new after verse 1 and the chorus.

In the First Pale Light of Morning. Kinda rambles, maybe it's the shock. Try looking at it again now that a rew months have passed.

Islip, again it's too long , but nevermind when you are famous you'll be able to get away with that one.

The way the world should work, OK but is very specific and needs the right occasion to be appreciated.

All in all, they're bloody marvelous - you should be teaching us.

Luvya, Bert.