The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494   Message #691297
Posted By: CapriUni
16-Apr-02 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Thanks for the links, McGrath! I've bookmarked the Independant Living homepage for later reference.

I think the dodgy thing about writing from the point of view of someone society considers "on the fringe" is that it's the point of view that becomes the focus, rather than the subject being examined.

If I wrote the song I AM PETER PAN with the line: "I can't walk, but I can fly!" chances are, the song would be end up being understood as being 'about' a disabled woman and her noble spirit, rather than about the experience of joy that we all have in common.

On the other hand, some points of view need to be shared, because injustice breeds where voices are silent, the way mold breeds in dark, damp places.

So I'm rather ambivilant about it... If I do it right, than I'll help break down walls we erect between each other and between our spirits and the fountain of life. (Thank you, W. B. Yeats, for that idea) But if I get it wrong, I'll only make those walls thicker with pity and bathos.

It must be a good line, though, because it has stuck with me ever since I had that dream over 22 years ago.