The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10161   Message #69136
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Apr-99 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Subject: RE: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
I would never turn down such prestigious award as "Mudcateer Most Likely to Go Over The Top." And it's true. I have an extremely strange sense of humor and things that strike me funny often get stares in return. Roger is right, some things are funny to him, some are a bit over, and some are like a bowl of Quaker Puffed Rice. I really don't go through and say, "Gee, what funny things can I say about this," on every thread. It's just the way I read something and it cracks me up, but it may not be funny to anyone else. It's also true that I am a cynical curmudgeon whose responses may be a bit humorful, but also sarcastic. Too many years of reading George S. Kaufman, Lenny Bruce, Ambrose Bierce, Groucho Marx, Woody Allen, and listening to George Carlin and Richard Pryor will give you a distorted sense of humor. But you can be a bit sarcastic and still be friendly; go read the "Curtis and Loretta" thread.

LEJ also brings up my multiple swings in tone and that's a part of me too. He also stated that it keeps many people off balance...and that's true too. Keeping people off balance is a lot of fun to me, because we all really want to understand, classify things, be in control. It's the one skill that also made me a top 10 sales rep with two different Fortune 500's. (In an effort to regain our control, we "take charge" and make decisions...salespeople can deal with any decision, but indecisivness just kills them...try it when you go to buy something. Even if you know exactly what you want, negotiate around for a different one...then when it looks like you are about to buy---swap to another and negotiate...then a third, back to the first, back to the third, then the second...THEN what you want......the guy will be so nuts he'll give it to you!)

So if I inadvertently offend or upset someone I want to say with all sincerity and humility, Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke..uh,no, that's not it...I want to say I'm sorry. Actually I'm not, but what else can I say? (and now you're confused about that last he or isn't he?) Multiple personality disorder...gotta' see a shrink. Matter of fact, here comes another ......

Hey there bubbas...I want to say to Ol Shambles that regardless of what that other dumb suhbich is sayin', I think we all git your point boy. And this here thread is gittin' so's yuh cain't hardly load the sucker without yuh should have time to take a trip down the path and shake the dew off'n your lily. Sham, we all love your posts, but this one yuh been tryin' ta say so many ways you're kinda killin' a gnat with an A-bomb. Unnerstan' now, I ain'ta sayin' that dog don't hunt 'cause it been a right fine hound, but I'se a thinkin' the suckers about dead...specially after that Fielding boy went off the deep end. So tie him up out back and git him a big ol' bowl of table scrap and some praise for a good job. Well that'll 'bout doer I reckon...the other guy's got to work on the pantry.
