The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46463   Message #691396
Posted By: Bobert
16-Apr-02 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Will anybody swap their CD with me?
Subject: RE: Will anybody swap their CD with me?
Alanabit, Robin2, harpmaker, charcloth, Spartacus, IanB and McGrath of Harlow: I'm going to PM you all and work out an exchange.

Others Catboxers: Anyone who is interested in a swap with me beware: 1. I only tape; 2. I'm slow since I make each one personally with intros to songs and stories; 3. I'm a tad roudy and not traditional (Ask Kendall, Jerry, Kat, Spawzer or CarolC) so if you're just into traditional folk, I don't do it and 4. no slick recording studio for this old hippie, fir sure. But, if ya' like original singer-songwriter stuff with no backup, no slick recording studio sound with a little punch to it and are willing to wait up to a month for a tape, then PM me 'cause you got the right guy.
