The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46494   Message #691826
Posted By: Night Owl
17-Apr-02 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting 101
Subject: RE: Songwriting 101
Jeri....thanks for starting this thread...wonderful info in it. I've read lyrics you've written and posted here in different threads, and they speak to my heart......and I've heard some of the beautiful music you've created. I DO hope you don't get discouraged while "honing" your skills.

I'm certainly NO expert...BUT I think you've got a LOT of "stuff" in you to come out in song. I'd be glad to give you HONEST feedback (from an amateur)if you want.

One of my personal favorite songs was written by my daughter, playing around with my Dulcimer during a blizzard, when she was six.

I had to giggle reading, cuz at 6 yrs. old, she followed some of the advice given here.


"I really like it when it snows
Because my snowman really grows
Grows and grows 'til he hits the sky
Momma will watch and so will I
Grows and grows 'til he hits the sky
Momma will watch and so will I

He's got two pine cones for his eyes
If he sees me I'll be surprised
He's got a carrot for his nose
If the rabbit comes
I'll get another one