The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46009   Message #692282
Posted By: SINSULL
17-Apr-02 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: Good news part two (Kendall)
Subject: RE: Good news part two
Not to be outgrossed:
A pyogenic granuloma is a rapidly developing vascular (blood vessel) growth that usually occurs in children and occasionally in adults, particularly pregnant women. It frequently appears on the head and neck but also appears elsewhere on the body. Causes The exact cause is unknown. Pyogenic granuloma often develops at the site of a recent minor injury, such as a puncture wound from a pin, but there's no conclusive evidence that injury results in its development.

Signs & Symptoms It first appears as a small pinhead-sized, red, brown, or blue-black papule and develops rapidly to a size that is anywhere from 2mm to 20 mm in diameter. A pyogenic granuloma bleeds easily and may ulcerate.

Diagnosis & Tests Diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma is based on its appearance.

Treatment Treatment usually involves destruction of the lesion with a laser, electrocautery, or liquid nitrogen. Recurrence after treatment is common because of its conelike extension of blood vessels into the skin. When this happens, it is simply treated again. Occasionally, a pyogenic granuloma is surgically excised (cut out).

I attended two cauterizations...who says the Captain doesn't know how to show a girl a good time? The silver nitrate one was much more interesting. No pain killer. I have it on good authority that "It smarts".