The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44001   Message #692670
Posted By: GUEST,The Late Review
18-Apr-02 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree IV
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree IV
Tom Paulin writes:
"The underlying rhythm of these works jettison all earnest explication of the text - meaning, paraphrasable content, social and historical situation - and concentrate entirely on sound, cadence, metre, rhyme, form. I can imagine the guttural Ulster glottal stops of Eamonn's boastful lament as he sings to the world of his achievements. The use of "Breakfast" with its similarity to "Buckfast" draws the reader's attention to the gluttony of the subject, as does the mention of "gub" with its connotations of eating and drinking; the "shiny" screams of prosperity, of the money he makes. This thread of greed has the content mimicking the form - food as a subject, written on food wrappings. It invites me to picture the next stanza - I am Derek - scribbled on a wrap of speed, lying in the gutter; or Mise Shane incoherently scrawled on a beermat.
What do you think, Germaine?"