The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44001   Message #692845
Posted By: GUEST,Seán Pól O Tuathail
18-Apr-02 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree IV
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree IV
Me and de rest of the lads in frocks here in Rome have been tinking about making a conciliatory gesture to our separated bredren over in Drumcree. Well actually it was de American lads who tink our lot are getting a bad name for being too interested in little boys and tought we should brush up our image.

So we've opened up a "comfort tent" staffed by a couple of Blue Nuns who will show de bredren a good time for a couple of fast bucks. We can't afford a pianna player, but de order's acid gregorian trance band "Cyanic sister" are doing background music.

You can't miss it. Look for de tent with the little red altar lamp oustide, behind Bobby Molloy's Wig and Gavel Porter Tent, just to de left of de Gig Rig.