The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46499   Message #693471
Posted By: Steve Parkes
19-Apr-02 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: Tum-te-tum-te-tum-te-tum
Subject: RE: Tum-te-tum-te-tum-te-tum
Aar, me ol' pal, me ol' beauty! Walter only died a few short years ago; indeed, it only seems like five minutes ... His secret alter ego, Chris Gittings, was apparently a fine actor; I heard him in a radio play once, and he sounded like Walter Gabriel in a serious mood. And son Nelson (Jack May, in the Other World) had a voice that could read the Anthology of London Cab-drivers and have everyone in thrall. And of course, Nelson's "unofficial" daughter (name...?) is still going strong; a police officer: such irony!
Oh, and did you know that Sid "the Sexpot" Perks used to be jack Wooley's chauffeur in the dim distant past?
