The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46502   Message #693635
Posted By: Howard Kaplan
19-Apr-02 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Professor Barlecorn - Howard Kaplan
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Professor Barlecorn - Howard Kaplan
The URL for my song, as given in Masato Sakurai's response, is correct but not permanently correct. If you want to retrieve the music, the lyrics, and even a MIDI file of Professor Barleycorn, you can most efficiently start at If, on the other hand, you want to get to the whole page of over 30 songs that includes the just-mentioned links, you can start at the much more succinct Unfortunately, the service that redirects my web site URLs for you cannot redirect the #something links within it, which is why I will soon be moving my web site to a place that can host it under the name I want,, without redirection. Among other features, that web site will even now answer the question you've all been silently asking yourselves while reading this paragraph, "What's a thrinberry?".