The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43992   Message #694196
Posted By: Escamillo
20-Apr-02 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Sorry for having missed some messages in this thread. As you know, things evolved rapidly in Venezuela and Mr.Chavez is back. As I said in the Venezuela thread, it is clear that Venezuelan people has taken a main role in the abortion of the coup, which apparently was mounted upon a legitimate protest but rapidly controlled by the same old traditional politicians who had been repeatedly defeated at all recent elections which favored Chavez.

Indeed I see a parallelism with Argentina, but our country goes 10 or 15 years behind Venezuela. We are in the stage of insurrection against the establishment of a mafia who led Argentina to bankrupcy with the complicity of international corporations. We still don't have a political mind clear and strong enough to change the present course to chaos.

To answer Guest's question is hard for economists and political analists, so you can imagine how hard could be for me as a simple well-educated worker, even as an eye (and pocket) witness, but I can tell you that there is a whole new attitude of the people towards that corruption that governed our Latin countries for decades, and perverted our own personal ethics. People is realizing that Justice is not a matter of negotiation, that human rights is something beyond business, that honesty is not the same as ingenuity. I think this is even more important than realizing that you can't drive a Mercedes Benz across a crowd of hungry people. I think it is as important as having built a democracy (dirty and weak democracy) after the darkness of a military fascist dictatorship in 1976-1983.

We expect general insurrections within days, and the fall of this government (who is just a continuator of traitor De La Rua and his friends, the banks and corporations) in a few weeks.

Events of the day:
- Foreign banks refused to bring back funds withdrawn from their local branches in Argentina during the last year, by individuals and corporations, of which they were merchants and accomplices, and by themselves.
- The Central Bank (Federal Reserve) has suspended operation of the SCOTIABANK (Canadian) due to its alleged lack of funds to continue operations. None of its clients can take a cent out of the bank. This is one of the banks said to refuse to bring the money back. Other three banks are in the list for the next week.
- In view that many judicial verdicts were producing a leakage of funds from the strictly locked system, the government declared a GENERAL BANK AND EXCHANGE HOLIDAY FOR AN UNDEFINED PERIOD, to put it more clear, the economy is PARALYSED by decree.
- Several dozens of clients of the Argentina National Bank who had occupied the lobby of the main branch in the morning in a protest, HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP into the bank and ABANDONED at night. They are communicating through cellular phones and asking for the presence of a judge to recover their freedom. Franz Kafka was too naive, he had never lived in Argentina
- Since the declaration of the "corral" in December, every person or company has to deposit all their earnings in the banks, withdraw only Pesos 300 (now dollars 100) PER WEEK and manage the rest through debit cards and checks, nobody sees the money, and if you are not "bankerized" you are dead. If you did have savings in pesos or dollars, they were "re-programmed" for 5 years. For example, I have 200 pesos at home (70 dollars) and some dollars deep into our mattress. IF the debit card system works next week, I will be able to maintain the house. IF NOT (which is probable, in view of a total bank inactivity) we will RUN OUT OF MONEY even when the bank does keep my money. We probably won't eat, but won't sell our few dollars in the mattress, because this is just what the government wants, in their myopia and desperation. If my bank was the ScotiaBank, this nightmare would have already become true. I pray for the good health of the Nationale de Paris. And will fight for the rights of all of us.

Mr. Duhalde stupidly insists in an agreement with the IMF to obtain another loan in May, when the IMF does not show a minimal signal (hallelujah) to agree anything. Why the IMF should lend more money to governors who eat salmon and drink champagne while their people agonize ? And what would be that money used for ? Of course, to pay for interests of previous loans and commissions to the bankers involved. It is good that the IMF and the Treasury of the US which is its main advisor, have learned the lesson !

You may see riots and fire again in Argentina. I am in a dilemma: I would like to tell you that we will be safe in our house, but I am really willing to take a gallon of gasoline and go to the streets.

I don't get exactly what Guest means by "to which side I report to", but these comments may have presented an approximate picture. And.. have I been entitled as MC reporter ?? wow :)

Un abrazo - Andrés