The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43992   Message #694607
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Apr-02 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Still alive in Argentina
I am struck be the naivete of people who refer to a democratically elected politician (Chavez) as a dictator. Perhaps they are quite unaware that he was democratically elected by his people. Perhaps they are repeating something they heard someone else say.

They used to make that same mistake regarding Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, a country that followed completely legal procedures and went to the World Court to get legal help in the '80's when it was being attacked illegally by a foreign power (the USA, through the Contra guerillas, based on foreign soil, funded, trained and supplied by the USA). The World Court ruled against the USA for engaging in illegal and undeclared acts of war (or just call it what it is...terrorism). The USA refused to even comment on that ruling or give it any recognition whatsoever. They held the World Court in contempt, because it does not have an inventory of a few thousand atomic bombs.

Eventually they bled Nicaragua so white that Ortega lost an election...a democratic one, and did what democratically elected politicians do when they lose...he stepped down. Peacefully.

If you have a revolution in Argentina, Andres, expect corporate USA to be there in some capacity (open or hidden), helping the rich people and businessmen and bankers to maintain their privileged position by any means matter how many ordinary people die or lose all they own.

I hope someone with courage and high ideals comes forward in your country, and can represent your people and do something at high levels to reform your system. If so, I'm sure he will soon be labelled "dictator" for it by people who don't live there.

- LH