The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46575   Message #694633
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Apr-02 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: What is a folk song? Version 2.0
Subject: RE: What is a folk song?
I just realized that on a superficial level I equate 'folk' with 'acoustic'. For instance, while I was urging someone to attend a concert that Buddy Tabor was putting on, the friend said, 'What kind of music is it?' I said, 'Well, you know... folky,' even though Buddy does mostly original songs. And we both knew what we meant.

There is no way that I would have said that if there were electric instruments or even drums involved in the concert. Even though drums, I imagine, may easily be considered folk.

In the Alaska Folk Festival, more than just "folk" is performed- but they do have a rule against drum sets on stage (bongos and hand-held drums are permitted) and no one brings on electric instruments.

They do have an occasional rock band take its turn in playing an hour-long dance; there are 4 dances per evening. The dance bands range from contra to rock to klezmer to cajun to- you get the idea.

As to folk versus non-folk labeling, it seems to me that we need one more designation. 'Traditional' doesn't really fill the need. In some countries, opera is traditional, maybe even folk.
