The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46768   Message #694711
Posted By: rangeroger
21-Apr-02 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Time Travel
Subject: Time Travel
A friend of mine just received this as an e-mail with an address from the UK and sent it to me.

If you are a time traveler or alien and or in procession of alien or government technology I need your help! My case is truly genuine! I seek to work with someone who is of good nature,someone I can call my savior as well as a friend.

My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!! I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!

I need to be able to:

Travel back n time.

Rewind my life including my age back to 4.

I am in great danger and need this immediately! I want to work with you in any way possible.

I am aware of two types of time travel one in physical form and the other i energy form where a snapshot of your brain is taken using either the dimensional warp or the brain snapshot device and then sends your conciousness back through time to part with your other self. I'm almost certain the dimensional warp would be the safest and best solution.
Please explain how safe and what your method involves.

I have a time macine now, but it has limited abilities and is useless without a vortex.
If you can provide information on how to create vortex generator or were I can get some of the blue glowing moon crystals this would aso be helpful.
I believe the vortex would have to be east-west polarized, North-south polarized vortexes are used for cross-dimensional tie travel only.

If you have this technology and can help me please send me a (SEPARATE)emailto:

