The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46531   Message #694940
Posted By: CapriUni
21-Apr-02 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge: Get Well, Aine!
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE: Get Well, Áine!
{{{{{{{{{ Áine }}}}}}}}}

You know, back when I was in college, I had to write a credo on my religion for a world religions class -- explaining my beliefs about the origin, nature, and destiny of God, the natural world, the individual, society and religion in 15 pages or less (including the bibliography). Since I don't base my faith on any scripture, I couldn't just cite chapter and verse for my reasoning.

The question of destinity for the natural world (and humanity) -- the "Why the %^&*!!? are we here, and what are we supposed to do about it?" question was the hardest one for me to answer.

So I started at the "beginning" -- my own personal experience, and changed the question to: "Why the %^&*!!? do I fight to exist? Why do I bother putting up with all the petty (and not so petty) frustrations and pains? Wouldn't it be so much easier to go to bed and not get up again?"

"Well," came the answer, "sunsets are pretty cool, and laughter is terrific, and singing, and chocolate covered strawberries... and love ... and ..." And the common denominator in all those things is Joy -- the small joys and large. And if that is true for me, then chances are it's true for others. And if it's true for other humans, it's probably true for sperm whales, and sea sponges, and oak trees, and ...

Conclusion: The purpose of life in general is the pursuit of joy. The purpose of human society is to help the individuals live well. Therefore, the responsibility we have as a society is to help each other find joy.

But that doesn't mean it's ever easy -- after all, the purpose of a cactus's roots is to find water in the desert, and the plant may be dormant for years. But when enough water is found, the blooms are spectacular!

I don't know you at all in 3D space, Áine, and I've only just met you in cyberspace, but from what I've seen, it seems that you have done a lifetime's work in bringing joy to others, and I am really glad (make that joyful! ;-)) that you have finally begun to feel yourself bloom. Revel in it. You deserve it!