The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10161   Message #69521
Posted By: Mo
09-Apr-99 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Subject: RE: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Okay, It's 'fess up time - I feel quite responsible for this thread as I was the one who originally messaged The Shambles with my concerns. I will readily admit that my sense of humour is not what it usually is at present, due to a family illness which now (Thank God) seem to be on the mend. But that aside, there was a change in tone over the past month or so, and I really didn't feel like I belonged anymore.

When I discovered the Mudcat about nine months ago, like so many people before and since, it was like I had found a place I could feel at home - I loved it. I joined in conversations, made mistakes (let's not mention Bob Dylan....), and learnt from those around me. Part of the joy of this place, as has been mentioned so many times, is that a diversity of opinion, spirit and attitude is welcomed here. I love that - it's great! However, one of the very best things about this place is that until recently, everybody talked to everybody else. You may not always agree with what they say, but everyone was included. There were no cliques. I think what has really put me off recently is the increasing number of messages in threads, mainly from newer people, which are addressed solely to one person (usually another newer person), which don't take the "conversation" on any further, but soley serve to show off how "smart" and "in the know" the responder is, and if you want examples you need look no further than some of the responses in the first couple of days of this thread... I'm delighted that new folk are finding their way to the cafe all the time - it's what it's about, I was welcomed here myself, I will do no less in return. I'm even more delighted that you feel so at home you want to join in, but all I ask is you talk to all of us - not just each other. The odd personal one-on-one exchange has never been a problem - but let's not make it our only method of communication. Sorry this has gone on so long, but I do feel so strongly about this - the Mudcat is a terrific place and we ALL make it that way. I hated feeling excluded from a place I had grown to love. Cheers,
