The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46332   Message #695320
Posted By: Troll
21-Apr-02 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: War crimes ljc
Subject: RE: BS: War crimes ljc
Carol, as far as I have been able to find out, the radio station gets its news from ABC. I have been unable to find any verfication on any of the ABC sites I have tried, but I did get this from The Electronic Intifada...According to eyewitnesses, an Israeli truck was repeatedly seen entering the refugee camp and then leaving it loaded with bodies of Palestinians, heading towards Israel. Some journalists risked their lives to enter the refugee camps and photographed burnt and decayed bodies under the ruins.

This was dated two days ago. So far the photos have not surfaced, at least not to my knowledge.
Kevin, good observation.
Roger, I believe that Sharon has a right to say who he does and doesn't like. I don't know what his gripe is with Ms. Robinson but he has stated that he objects to Larsen because of comments he made which indicated -to Sharon, at least- that Larsen was biased against Israel. Whether or not this bias exists is not material. The fact is that if Sharon believes it, as the leader of Israel he should object.
The UN is not composed of robots but of people and people have their biases.
