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Thread #46332   Message #695341
Posted By: Troll
22-Apr-02 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: War crimes ljc
Subject: RE: BS: War crimes ljc
It is my understanding that he is not hand-picking the team, he has simply named people that he does not want on the team.
There's a vast difference. I'm sure that the UN, with all the world to choose from, can field a team without Ms. Robinson and Mr. Larsen. The following is from the UPI Inyternational desk.
Israel, UN spar over envoy

By Joshua Brilliant United Press International From the International Desk Published 4/21/2002 8:20 PM

JERUSALEM, April 22 (UPI) -- Israeli officials -- considering whether to proclaim United Nation's Middle East envoy Terje Roed-Larsen persona non grata -- said Sunday that the U.N. fact-finding group due to visit the Jenin refugee camp to investigate allegations of killings of non-combatants by the Israeli military, must comprise experts, not politicians.

Three senior U.N. officials who have already criticized Israel's military operation in the camp would also not be accepted on the fact-finding group, the officials said.
Some Israelis have been unhappy with Roed-Larsen since the United Nations denied it had videotapes of the day Hezbollah guerrillas abducted three Israeli soldiers. When it finally confirmed having the tapes, the United Nations refused to let the Israelis study the unedited footage, saying they wanted to remain neutral and not appear to be helping Israel. Hezbollah also at the time threatened retribution for release of the tape. An Israeli official Sunday demanded that the fact-finding committee comprise experts "who understand the material, not politicians who made their mind (up) in advance."

The officials insist that Roed-Larsen, UNRWA's chief Peter Hansen and Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson -- all of whom have criticized Israel's actions in Jenin -- not be on the committee.

"They disqualified themselves," Sharon's media advisor Raanan Gissin said.

The Cabinet official said the fact-finding committee's composition should reflect "an objective, professional approach, without political intentions."

I have edited this news story in the interest of saving space. Anyone who wants to read it in its entirety can find it on the UPI web site.
