The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46743   Message #695475
Posted By: Steve Parkes
22-Apr-02 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whats with the beards?
Subject: RE: BS: Whats with the beards?
I haven't got a beard, for the same reasons as Spaw (excpept for the "enjoy shaving" thing). However, I have a pretty good moustache (with an "o"), which I've had with very few breaks since the age of 19.

Liz, the idea of you hanging from my whiskers produces mixed emotions! My knees go weak at the thought, but I don't think they'd ever be up to that job!

Who asked about anoraks? They've become ... what's that word where the symbol represents the thing? ... well, British trainspotters wear them (it's the weather, you understand), and they epitomise the sad condition; the anorak has come to symbolise "trainspotterness" or "trekkieness" or ... well, "finger-in-the-ear-aran-sweater-wearing-beard-sporting-folk-singer-ness".
