The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46779   Message #695545
Posted By: GUEST,Feder
22-Apr-02 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
I do not believe that I am an anti semite says RO1SIN.

When you suggest "the jews" (sic), rather than some Israeli soldiers, may have committed a "holocaust," when no crime, and certainly no alleged massacre, has even yet to be proven, you are speaking the language of anti-Semites.

When you start a thread about Israel, as you did on 2002 8 March, and call it "The Old Jewish Question," you are speaking the language of anti-Semites.

When you tell me to "suck it up pal" when I object to your anti-Semitic language, you are speaking the language of anti-Semites.

Your choice of words speaks volumes. The fact that Max and Joe allow you to use Mudcat as a medium for anti-Semitism is shameful.