The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46743   Message #696664
Posted By: Bearheart
23-Apr-02 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whats with the beards?
Subject: RE: BS: Whats with the beards?
I'm with Liz, hairy faces are it. They feel yummy. Everywhere. Stubble is not yummy. Most of the men I hang out with have stubble within hours after shaving. And it is nice to hold onto.

My husband had a beard when I met him. It was such a turn-on! I've seen him without it and he's just not as sexy, or as distinguished looking!

I don't think I've ever gotten excited by a beardless man. It's like dating an 18 year old. Beards imply wildness, experience, worldliness, depending on their style. There is the Mountain Man beard. The Chinese Sage beard. The Man-about-town/Dandy beard. The Intellectual beard. the Radical beard. Men speak volumes with their beards. It's a very important form of self-expression. Which is probably why most Mudcat guys have one.

A woman who knows her beards can gain great insight about a man by his beard.

(Sorry, beardless ones, no insult intended.)

Enjoying this thread!
