The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10236   Message #69687
Posted By: dick greenhaus
10-Apr-99 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Choucoune
Subject: LYR. REQ: Choucounne
I tried this a long time ago, but a forum search didn't turn it up---I guess it's one of the Lost Threads.

Anyhow, a song (lullaby) called Choucounne seems to be the unofficial folk national anthem of Haiti. It was reportedly composed in Creole by a gentleman who was a prominent Haitian poet; its chorus has been borrowed for a song called Yellow Bird (in English). It has, IMHO, a marvelous melody.

Does anyone have the lyrics in Creole? It's been recorded by The Tarriers (who only had a transliteration of the words and didn't know what they meant) and by Bud and Travis (a record I've never heard). I have a smudged copy of transliterated lyrics which don't help me much.