The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46929   Message #697973
Posted By: sophocleese
24-Apr-02 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Great' Britain's responsibility
Subject: RE: BS: 'Great' Britain's responsibility
So we should all cheerfully head to bed glad in the knowledge that no matter what the sufferings of others in other lands we at least are comfortable? Screw that selfish crap for a load of donkey's doos. Doug R. and Troll need to go to remedial reading and re-read the first post which a was not a self congratulatory little paen to the "I'm all right Jack and fuck the rest of you" school(?) of thought. Have fun counting your blessings but also spend time counting your sins, of omission and comission, too. Then see what you can do about them. Go to bed cheerful in the knowledge that all may not be right with the world but at least you've attempted to alleviate its horrors for some. Its time better spent than counting your pennies.