The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46903   Message #697987
Posted By: CapriUni
24-Apr-02 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday--MAX DYLAN SPIEGEL
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday--MAX DYLAN SPIEGEL
My mom instituted a tradition in our family -- she said it was based on how the Catholic church celebrated Saints' birthdays -- and if it was good enough for saints, it was good enough for her (my mom had many fabulous qualities, modesty was not one of them ;-)): The Octave, or celebrating for 8 days. Namely, the eve before and the week after.

Considering how much of a service Max has provided to a musical community, an octave celebration is particularly appropriate. The only question is, what key? ;-)

Happidle Birdledadle, Max!