The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46779   Message #698344
Posted By: Troll
25-Apr-02 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
This from the Wall Street Journal:
"Amnesty International says it stands for human rights, presumably including the right to due process. And yet here's what passes for "evidence" when Amnesty is trying to convict Jews of war crimes:

Professor Derrick Pounder, a forensic pathologist at Dundee University, visited Jenin hospital on behalf of Amnesty to examine some of the bodies that had been recovered. But what surprised him most was the absence of severely injured patients, since the hospital is less than a kilometre from the camp.

"In a conflict of this type in a densely populated are, where the Israeli army lost a substantial number of men, it is inconceivable that there were not also large numbers of severely injured," he said.

Normally, he would have expected to find three people severely injured for every one killed. Even if one accepts the Israeli claim that "only" 40 Palestinians died, there ought to be another 120 lying badly wounded, in hospital. But they are nowhere to be found.

"We draw the conclusion that they were allowed to die where they were," Professor Pounder said.

Back in Jenin, the Jerusalem Post reports on a Palestinian effort to fabricate evidence:

One camp resident wanted me to stage a photograph. He pulled me into a home on the perimeter of the destruction. The front of the house was peeled away like a thin veneer. The floor was buckled, and the few pictures that remained on the walls were tilted at a distressing angle. But then the man lay face down on a mattress, splayed out his arms, and closed his eyes. When I didn't take his picture he looked up at me and said, "You take picture now." I declined.

The guys at Reuters even attempt to use Palestinian atrocities against the Jews. A dispatch titled "Israel Rejects U.N. Jenin Probe" is accompanied by a photo showing a body being dragged through the street. There's no caption, so readers would naturally assume the photo is from Jenin, but in fact it is from Hebron, and it depicts an Arab "collaborator" who was lynched by his fellow Arabs."
I have nothing to add.
