The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46639 Message #698730
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
25-Apr-02 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: how is Nic Jones
Subject: RE: how is Nic Jones
I don't really see any attempt to clarify or to be reasonable or objective in your posts, "Sondra", just as I don't see any "blowing up in people's faces" in previous threads relating to Nic, except perhaps in a few posts from anonymous correspondents who would like to create that impression. What I do see, however, is a recognisable posting style; you have contributed to some of those threads under another name, haven't you? At present, you just look like the perennial troublemaker who assumes a new persona as circumstances require, usually pretending to be in some fashion a "victim", in order to give yourself spurious authority and defuse possible criticism. This is a typical trolling technique, as you obviously know. If you are serious about dropping the matter, then do so, now; but you do so love to have the last word, don't you?