The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46779   Message #698817
Posted By: Troll
25-Apr-02 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli soldiers charged with war crime
Thank you RO1SIN. That's a good, clear answer.
LH, the Arab oil states are wealthy beyond all understanding and if they choose not to share that wealth with their fellows, that's hardly the fault of the US. By what stretch of logic do you think that the US should require Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or the UAE to give money to Jordan or Pakistan?
The Saudis spent several billion dollars to modernize Mecca so that Muslim pilgrims on Haj would have modern facilities. Pakistan -not a wealthy country- spent tens of millions on a Mosque. The Saudis put up some of the money but the bulk came from Pakistan.
If modernization has been delayed, it is largely because the money is being spent for other things. It is just possible that they feel that Mosques are more important than factories.
As for daily humiliation, yes,I can certainly see that. It must really rankle to know that every time they have tried to destroy Israel, they have gotten their tails beaten and the events of the last few weeks have only served to rub salt in the wounds.Yes, the US supports Israel. Can you tell me why we should not?
As for regional expansionistic policies, if Israel wanted them, she would now own Lebanon and Jordan. Israel wants secure, defensible borders and guarantees from the Arab states that she will be left in peace. If she has to hold the Golan and the West Bank and Gaza to do this, then that's what she will do.
As for the crucible that shaped Osama bin Laden, he was born and raised in an atmosphere of wealth and priviledge that people like you and I can only dimly perceive. His conversion from spoiled rich kid to terrorist came through religious experience, not social conscience. He is much less concerned with bettering the lives of his co-religionists than he is in furthering the spread of Islam via the destruction of those whom
HE sees as its enemies i.e. anyone who is not a Muslim.
