The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46639   Message #699144
Posted By: GUEST,Nerd (member at work)
26-Apr-02 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: how is Nic Jones
Subject: RE: how is Nic Jones
Okay, damn me for going on, but...


isn't saying "I should have taken ownership of the statement" nothing more than changing "you're to blame" to "I think you're to blame?" What I was talking about was recognizing that your own bias is also contributing to the disagreement: i.e., we are all to blame for the fact that we do not agree about this--or, conversely, none of us is to blame. Opinions are opinions, and they are by nature not objective. You have no more objectivity than I. Can I say this any clearer?

I think Nic's a great musician, and quite probably a good person, by virtue of what I perceive in his music. You think that his virtues as a musician are overshadowed by his poor taste in art and the underlying insensitivity that you perceive there. Both of us are judging our own perceptions of Nic's work according to our own biases. Neither of us is objective or pure or better than the other.

The only place where I think you are unreasonable is in continuing to blame "Nic's fans" for their "lack of objectivity." I have read al the threads you refer to, and have no clear sense of how their lack of objectivity is qualitatively different from yours.