The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46999   Message #699328
Posted By: SharonA
26-Apr-02 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: part II Forgotten TV series
Subject: RE: BS: part II Forgotten TV series
Mark: Well, sure I have a life! I went to The Folk Factory last night (remember that? – open stage and circle); I've got an outdoor gig tomorrow morning and an indoor gig Sunday night... and a job... but I did watch a lot of TV as a kid (still do watch some, in fact). As for all the links: hey, a search engine is a girl's best friend! Besides, this little excursion down Memory Lane has been a lot of fun!!

I ran across the following request on this "Rocky & Bullwinkle" page; perhaps some Mudcatter might be able to help with it:

"A Small Request: Sometime in the mid-1980s, one of the northeastern states of the U.S. (possibly Maine?) had an election where the legality of moose-hunting was on the ballot. One group opposed to the hunting ran a television ad which featured Rocky and Bullwinkle doing their standard "pulling a rabbit out of a hat" gag... only at the end, instead of pulling out the usual lion or rhino, Bullwinkle reached into the hat and pulled out a hunter with a double-barreled shotgun. If anybody reading this has a videotape of that ad, would you mind e-mailing me? I'd like to make arrangements to see a copy. Thanks!"

It's worth going to that page and clicking on the "e-mailing" link just to read the disclaimer that pops up!