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Thread #47014   Message #699345
Posted By: masato sakurai
26-Apr-02 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Across the Blue Mountains
Subject: RE: Across The Blue Mountains tune
I think I heard the tune somewhere with another set of lyrics. Cowboy song? Anyway, there's an entry in the Traditional Ballad Index (Click here).


Across the Blue Mountain

DESCRIPTION: A married man asks (Katie) to marry him and go "across the Blue Mountain to the Allegheny." Katie's mother tells her to let him stay with his own wife. Katie answers, "He's the man of my heart." (The confused ending may tell of her poverty or abandoment)
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: love courting travel abandonment infidelity mother children
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Abrahams/Foss, pp. 14-16, "Across the Blue Mountain" (4 texts, 1 tune)

cf. "High Germany" (floating lyrics)
Notes: Abrahams and Foss note that the several versions of this song (they print four, all of which reportedly use the same tune) are from the same area -- central Virginia, on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge. (The Alleghenies can indeed be seen from the crest of the Blue Ridge.)
Their four versions were all collected in 1962, from an interesting list of sources: Florence Shiflett of Wyatt's Mountain; David Morris, also of Wyatt's Mountain; Effie Morris, of Shiflett Hollow; and Marybird McAllister, of Brown's Cove.
The four versions fall into two types. The two from Wyatt's Cove end with a moralising conclusion (the girl ends up "lame" and perhaps abandoned, and regrets her ending. These stanzas have a slightly different feel from the rest of the song, and are much poorer poetry; one suspects a later addition.
On the other hand, the other two versions do not have a proper resolution; the girl simply wishes she could be with the fellow and "valleys" (envys?) the woman who will be with him.
Portions of the song seem older (e.g. all four versions have as their second verse the stanza "I'll buy you a horse, love, and a saddle to ride," which comes from "High Germany" or something similar). One suspects that a local Blue Ridge balladeer reshaped an older song to describe a now-forgotten local event. - RBW
File: AF014

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