The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46743   Message #701115
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
30-Apr-02 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whats with the beards?
Subject: RE: BS: Whats with the beards?
There is no correlation. There are smooth shaven nice blokes out there as well as hairy bastards.... just look at some of the threads that have been asking for help up and down this forum to prove that....

Just cos someone has a beard, doesn't mean they are a nice person.... Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper.... Rasputin..... Vlad the Impala.... Bill the Basher..... all beardies.

One of the lovliest men I ever had the pleasure of knowing was a smoothie.... but on the other hand...... when was the last time the US had a president with a beard?