The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47051   Message #701234
Posted By: lamarca
30-Apr-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: What's 'Scrapple'?????
Subject: RE: What's 'Scrapple'?????
I know I've probably contributed to previous threads on scrapple, but I just want to join in the chorus of Yum!s. I love scrapple with a bit of maple syrup drizzled on it - it's that exquisite combo of savory, sweet and grease. We have an Amish/Mennonite farmers' market that sells the best meats I've seen in a long time, and they sell both regular AND turkey scrapple (my husband and I find the turkey scrapple too scary a concept to even think about - I mean, turkey lips....?)

I lived in East Tennessee for 2 years in grad school, and avoided grits like the plague, due to unfortunate childhood memories of lumpy Cream of Wheat. When we went to Grand Bahama this spring, grits and souse were prominant items on every breakfast menu. I got the courage to try the grits again, and found that I loved them - especially with butter, canned milk, salt and syrup on them. I never could bring myself to try the chicken or pork souse for breakfast, but I had the boil-fish one morning - big chunks of grouper or snapper, onions, potatoes, garlic and hot chiles all boiled together. It tasted great with the grits!