The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45877   Message #701294
Posted By: Manitas_at_home
30-Apr-02 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: 'Celtic / Bulmer' aborted Part 3
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
So the most negative post of George's you can find is an apology? And you call him a troll? At least he uses his own name while you still peep out from under your rock to call people names while their backs are turned.

FWIW, I think George does get regularly involved in spats but I haven't seen him involved in anything as vicious as some of the threads with GUEST posting (yes, I know it's not all the same GUEST but you'll have to put up with being tarred with the same brush unless you can differentiate yourself).