The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46743   Message #701386
Posted By: DonD
30-Apr-02 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whats with the beards?
Subject: RE: BS: Whats with the beards?
The US does have a bearded President -- or at least he wore one for a while after he was elected -- but that's another thread.

As to the types of beards -- unless you are so finicky that you trim it every day or two, you have different styles (well, I do) depending on the time of the day, week, month or season. Mine doesn't grow evenly on both sides, and there's a kind of windblown effect sometimes because of the grain, so when I start to trim it a little on one side, then the other side looks too long, and -- like evening the legs on a table or chair until they're flat on the ground --the beard always ends up shorter than I intended and has to grow back to a decent shape.

And then there's the Santa gig which starts growing out after Labor Day, and leads to a drastic pruning early in January.

And creeping the thread up to the top of the head for a moment -- I got fed up with the few straggling hairs on top of my bald expanse and ran the razor over it for what I thought would be nice clean look and feel. To my surprise, I developed a stubble and now have a field of upright silver stalks, like a pathetic crew cut.

All right, if you looked at me you'd say I was still bald as an egg, but I can see this furze and it's weird.