The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47123   Message #701616
Posted By: Amos
30-Apr-02 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Subject: RE: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Well, let me say something about what I love, and in particular what I love about Jewish people. They love life, and I share that with them; they love teaching, and so do I. They love to dance, as I do, and they love to work hard to make something good happen, which I agree with. They love music that raiseth up the spirit, as I do; and they love to honor the past for what it has given us, as I also. The Jews love the brotherhood they share around the world, so strong that the homes of complete strangers are open to you without question when the need arises; and I honor any community that has such deep commitments. The Jews love the bringing of new children into the world and the celebration of their learning to be in and live in it, which I do with all my heart also.

As it happens, I also feel these things about the kind and honorable Muslims I have known, both here and in their own lands, and likewise the Greeks, Germans and French I have met and befriended.

So I am afraid there is something sad and corkscrewed about anyone so full of fear, and pain, and loss and doubt, that they would even begin to think about people in such broad categories as bad in any way; because it means he or she has lost the ability to see, and is swept away by a river of terror from within their own heart; and that is something to weep for, indeed.